Monday, October 22, 2012

When Hell Burns Down D.C; Part 5

Click here for Part Four

NCIS Special Agent Morziat was still steaming about having his interview interrupted and it didn’t help that the CIA…..Officer, he couldn’t call him handler especially since his daughter was the one that he handled, had a quite smugness about him. And that bugged the holy living hell out of Morziat; and THAT didn’t sit well with the experienced special agent, not at all. He glared at Director Montgomery as he cleared began the process of securing his office, finalizing the security by clicking the red button under his desk.
“Officer Daniels you can begin this briefing now, the room is safe.”

“Not as long as he is in here” Daniels tilted his head at Morziat and that made tensions ratchet up a few multiples of a hundred.

“That’s nonsense! Morziat is my most trusted Agent and the lead investigator into the Assassination of President Robertson.” Stated the Director of NCIS. The fact that NCIS was investigating the explosion made the eyebrows on CIA Officer Daniels and Field Agent Jessica Morziat raise their eyebrows. This was news to them and that fact was immediately clear to the Director and Special Agent Morziat. “Wait if you guys aren’t here to brief me on the ties to the European Murders, which are apparently linked to the explosion at the White House, than what are you here to brief me on?”

“There has been a high level of foreign penetration within several federal agencies,” explained Officer Daniels, “NCIS is the only agency that we have yet to find any penetration. We were going to ask for your help from Morziat and his team, but I’m guessing they are much too busy for such a mundane task as National Security.” Neither NCIS Agent (Director Montgomery was still technically an agent) on that sarcastic statement; their current orders were too important for inter-agency bullshit.

“Knock that shit off Daniels.” This was Morziat, “Right now I have a thousand dead bodies, an entire federal agency under suspicion, and a President that has given me the task of figuring out what the fuck happened.”

“Then why the hell was I arrested by NCIS for the murder of two civilians in Germany?” This was also Morziat, granted it was the female one.

“I’m going to guess that they are attempting to kill the Press’s conspiracy theories before they grow legs.”  Answered Officer Daniels and for that statement he got two nodding heads. When this is all said and done, this is going to be turn out to be one group of people butt fucking the other group.


Lake Coeur D'alene, Idaho

She stood in her hotel room overlooking the Lake as the sun rose over the hills to the south east and thought, what a great country Japan would be if we had the same access to the space and the resources of the United States. Unfortunately for her, her country didn’t feel like the United States was what was holding them back; no her country felt like it was the fault of those communist bastards to the east, when in reality it was the Country that they had so closely allied themselves with. That being said her current employer seemed to have the same mindset that she did and he had planned a multifaceted attack against the Americans.

The attack on the White House was a very small, but integral, part of this plan (which he had briefed her in on before sending her to Washington). With the murder of those two Army goons the real portion of his plan had kicked off and the best part was the Americans were too damn foolish to realize it.


Fort Lewis McCord, Washington

“Why the hell would the killers cut off the hands of the victims?”

“Do these two guys have any access to secure files and/or rooms?” That observation sent the Army CID investigative team into a tizzy and the answer they got (after cutting through tons of red tape) was not one that they wanted. “What the fuck do they mean access denied, who blocked those files?”

“Ummm, that would be NCIS and the FBI sir.”

“Get them on the phone, and I mean yesterday!”

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